9-Hole Evening Leagues

The Cove Cay Divot Divas have a Thursday evening league that runs from March through October at 5:30pm. There is no fee to become a Divot Diva and an established Golf Handicap is not required.
Registration is Easy! Just email Kathy Arnold at DivotDivas@CoveCayGolf.com with your name, email & mobile phone number to be added to Golf Genius.

The Spark Golf League plays on Mondays at Cove Cay in the Summer and Fall weekly at 5pm. There is no fee to join the league, you simply go to their website to register. Then you purchase a round when you want to play. There is no obligation to play every week but 29 dates are available from April through October. And they have an app which makes it easy to join the fun.

The LPGA Amateurs Tampa Bay Chapter plays at Cove Cay Tuesday evenings beginning at 5:30pm between March and October. There is a fee to join the Chapter as it’s a members only league welcome men and women of all skill levels. Click HERE to join the LPGA Amateurs Tampa Bay and then go to the Events/Leagues tab on their website to register for weekly league play.